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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00066
System for Detergent Injection in a Washer Disinfector Machine
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From:    Date: 15 April 2001, 16:25 [GMT]
Subject: System for Detergent Injection in a Washer Disinfector Machine

I want to add a system for detergent injection in a washer disinfector machine. Can someone advice me on this system, detergents and process parameters?


From: (Belgium)   Date: 3 May 2001, 06:12 [GMT]
Subject: Re: System for Detergent Injection in a Washer Disinfector Machine


As far as I know there are two possibilities to install dosing equipment on your machine:

  1. Dosing equipment with timer: it injects ...ml of detergent every cycle in the washing tank. (according to the settings and the volume of the water tank)
  2. Equipment guided on conductability: depending of your settings, it keeps on dosing until the required setting is obtained. (rather impossible to use when dosing neutral or enzymatic detergent)

When taking a look at the website of Neodisher www.drweigert.de you might get more detailed information.


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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00066 - English Version

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