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Visit to CSSD
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From: (Australia)   Date: 4 November 2004, 03:14 [GMT]
Subject: Visit to CSSD

I am attending the Decontamination Congress in London and will be travelling to Paris for a few days around the 7th April 2005. I would like to visit a couple of CSSD departments in public/private teaching hospitals to compare equipment and practice in our hospital. I can speak some French. I do not need any financial support, just someone willing to give me a couple of hours of their time.

Thank you

From: (France)   Date: 4 November 2004, 12:49 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Visit to CSSD

I am working in a 750-bed teaching hospital in Paris and will be happy to arrange a visit of our CSSD. I just hope the construction work which is going on at the moment will be close to be finished so you can see facilities that meet the all the regulations!
If this is not the case I will try to find another colleague in Paris.
Feel free to contact me.

From:    Date: 5 November 2004, 11:30 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Visit to CSSD

Dear Sylvia

Belgium and the Netherlands are not far from Paris we can always organise some hospital visits in these countries.

Kindest regrads

Tim Galekop
Director of Global Business Development
Medical Fabrics

From: (Australia)   Date: 23 November 2004, 06:31 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Visit to CSSD

Dear Benedicte

Thank you for your reply. That would be great. I am just waiting for Lancer to finalise a couple of things thay would like me to see in their instrument washer factories and then I will be able to plan the days I will be in Paris a bit better. I will be in touch a bit late.

Merci beaucoup!!

Sylvia Morris

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00661 - English Version

© 2005 EFHSS " Updated: 21 April 2005, 10:27 [GMT]