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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00667

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Sterile Storage - Q00667
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From: (South Africa)   Date: 6 November 2004, 05:37 [GMT]
Subject: Shelving

What is recommended standard for shelving to store sterile packs in paper packets? If stainless steel is used, what Grade or standard is recommended?

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 9 November 2004, 16:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Shelving

Dear Renée

The only standard I know of is the AAMII Standard which says:
"The sterile storage system (for example, open, wire shelves; open, solid shelves; or closed cabinets) should be selected based on the environment in which it will be used, the packaging materials and system used, the types of devices packaged, and the handling procedures employed at the health care Facilitiy."
In praxis to me it means; the storage methods should ensure easy access and be adaptabel to changing mode of operations. The most speedy and convenient storage is on mobile shelving units with aisle space between.
The shelves should be smooth, and easy to clean with a approved cleaning/disinfectant solution (i.e. be corrosion-free).
The materials used vary, often it is a combination of high-density polymer with Type 304 stainless steel.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (South Africa)   Date: 28 November 2004, 15:51 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Shelving

Dear Josy Holdener
Thank you for reply re shelving.
Renée du Toit

From: (Belgium)   Date: 9 December 2004, 15:18 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Shelving

Dear Rene,

I want to answer your question concerning the best systems for storage of packed sterile goods.

There are TWO systems available:

  1. Steel Chrome Wire Shelving

    Steel Chrome Wire Shelving

    One system is Wire Shelving, this is a low cost system but it has some disadvantages.
    The material is Steel, the finish is Chrome.
    This type of material and finish is perfect suitable for a separate warehouse of sterile goods.
    This shelving system is available in different dimensions.
    It cannot be used within the sterile department where everything has to be in Stainless Steel.
    This system also exists in Stainless Steel but then the investment will be about 5 times higher.
    The big advantage is that this system is very flexible and low cost.
    The disadvantage is that the packaging of the sterile set is in direct contact with the shelf.
    This means that everytime a set is placed or replaced the packaging can be damaged.
  2. UFlex Normalized shelving system

    UFlex Normalized Shelving System

    This second system is the best system but slightly more expensive than above mentioned wire shelving.
    The shelving system consist of posts equipped with normalized runners.
    The packed sterile set is placed on a wire stainless steel shelf.
    This wire shelf with the sterile set is placed in the runners.
    So each time the shelf manipulated, rather than the set itself.
    For that reason the risk to damage the packaging is almost non existing.
    The transport of these sets is also done on the wire shelf on trolleys equipped with the same normalized runners.

My Company is specialized in internal transport and storage systems for the Heath Care and especially the Sterile department.
I can mail you specifications, dimensions and prices of both systems if you are interested.

With kind regards,

Geert Schepens.
General Manager Belintra nv.

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