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Cost of processing steriled products and How to leverage CSSD as a profit center?
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From: (Thailand)   Date: 13 November 2004, 16:08 [GMT]
Subject: Cost of processing steriled products and How to leverage CSSD as a profit center?

Dear sir,

Could you give me a formula how to calculate the unit cost of sterilized products? We have developed the formula but it seems that not cover all aspects.

I am very appreciated if anybody can share your experience with me.

We would like to leverage the CSSD is a profit center.

Thanks so much

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 7 December 2004, 15:45 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cost of processing steriled products and How to leverage CSSD as a profit center?

Dear Sivaporn

With the keyword "Cost of Sterilization: Process Cost Reduction" you find a step-by-step learning unite published by Healthcare Purchasing News, Oct 2001, adapted from a Presentation of Richard Schule.
If you want more detail regarding Cost Analysis consider baying the book "Cost of Sterilization - a Methodical Cost Analysis by a Methodical Methodist", published 2001 by the American Hospital Association (AHA). It is available through Internet order www.ahaonlinestore.com or in any bookstore, the ISBN Catalog no. is WS-031844, price $15.00.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00674 - English Version

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