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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00068
Working Conditions/Possibilities for Sterile Technicians/Managers in the Emirates
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From: (Switzerland)   Date: 17 April 2001, 00:16 [GMT]
Subject: Working Conditions/Possibilities for Sterile Technicians/Managers in the Emirates

I would like some information on working conditions and possibilities for sterile technicians and managers in the emirates. I would also like to know to whom one has to refer to for further information?

From: Michele Tait (Ireland)   Date: 18 April 2001, 12:35 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Working Conditions/Possibilities for Sterile Technicians/Managers in the Emirates

Hi Leonora
I have worked myself in the middle east back in 1995/1996 and at that time there was a lot of work in CSSD. The working conditions were excellent, however of all the arab states, the UAE was the most difficult to get employment in.I would advise you to get in touch with recruitment agencies who recruit specifically for the arab states and register yourself with them. UME / CCM/ PARC, these have branches in the UK and should be able to help you.

Regards and good luck with finding a position
Michele Tait

From: (United Arab Emirates)   Date: 18 April 2001, 17:10 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Working Conditions/Possibilities for Sterile Technicians/Managers in the Emirates

Hello Leonora.

I am working in the Middle East at present and I have been an expatriate CSSD Manager for the past 18 years. I can give you information on conditions and other relevant information but it will have to wait for a week as I am going to the States on business tonight and I have several things to prepare before I go. If you have not received sufficient information by the time of my return, on the 28th April, I will write again.

Derek Henderson. MBA. PhD.
Manager - Sterile Services
Shaikh Khalifa Medical Center
P.O. Box 51900
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971-2-6331000 Ext. 2383
Fax: +971-2-6313962
Mobile: +971 (0)50 5324928

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