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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00684
Information in sterile instruments boxes
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From: (Portugal)   Date: 22 November 2004, 12:43 [GMT]
Subject: Information in sterile instruments boxes

We have included in our hospital the Ophthalmology surgical speciality, in the main operating room center, in the last months. Nowadays we have a problem that resumes in that: the surgical instruments boxes from Ophthalmology, have a information about the contend, in a manner that when it comes to the washing machine, the glued paper go out. We try to use ink in the box, but the steam clean it. Do you know any manner to put the information easy to see, but without this problems?

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 23 November 2004, 16:48 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Information in sterile instruments boxes

Dear Manuel

You might solve your problem by using one of the many Industrial Marking Systems.
Etching is the conventional method of marking/idendifying instruments and devices like your boxes. Acid based etching marks stainless steel with a stencil, solutions and electricity. You can do it yourself or an instrument or repair supplier can do it. This process is semi-permanent i.e. it can be buffed off again if nescessary.
And there is Laser Etching, a process which is permanent but expensive.
If you do not know a manufacturer at your place search with the key word: Surgical Instrument marking.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

From: (Portugal)   Date: 26 November 2004, 09:09 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Information in sterile instruments boxes

One more question Josy Holdener: what do you think that are the most adequated markers for plastic boxes (ophtalmology)?

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 26 November 2004, 14:36 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Information in sterile instruments boxes

I asked around in a few CSSD to hear what they use to identify plastic containers. Most of them have a special Tape-Printer and use laminated Tape, manufactured by Brother. All pointed out that it is important to use "laminated" tape, only these are heat, chemical and fade resistant..
See Ilustration and information at: www.brother.com.au/Products/Tapeinformation.asp

Josy Holdener

From: (Belgium)   Date: 27 November 2004, 07:39 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Information in sterile instruments boxes


You can find information on the products you're looking for on the website of our industrial partner: Interster: www.interster.nl. Look under products. The distributor of Interster in Portugal you find under Foreign Agents.

Best regards,
Wim Renders

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00684 - English Version

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