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Dedicated Footwear for Clean Room
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 13 December 2004, 13:40 [GMT]
Subject: Dedicated Footwear for Clean Room

If anybody uses dedicated footwear for their cleanroom could they tell me what manufacture or type they use and if they wash their footwear on a regular basis. Does anyone have any pro's or con's against using dedicated footwear as opposed to using overshoes on existing shoes which are worn around the rest of the department.

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 1 February 2005, 14:33 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dedicated Footwear for Clean Room

Hi Nicholas,

Our hospital's Infection Control Team only allow the use of overshoes for visitors to our department. Our staff are issued with 3 pairs of shoes each. 1 pair to be used in the wash or soiled returns room, 1 pair for use in the IAP room and 1 pair for use in all other hospital areas. We provide shoes that are machine washable, and are supplied through Southern Syringe Services Tel. 0870 873 4911, alternatively you could go directly to the manufacturer - Toffeln, Tel. 0117 909 9966.

Hope that helps, Best wishes,


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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00693 - English Version

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