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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00699

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00699
Ethylene Oxide Monitor (3M EO Monitoring badge )
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From: (India)   Date: 17 December 2004, 14:33 [GMT]
Subject: Ethylene Oxide Monitor (3M EO Monitoring badge )

I could understand that 3 M recommend their monitoring badge to monitor personnel exposure to ETO (in sterilization areas of health care set up) in USA.
Why this is not recommended in other countries. Is it necessory to clip ETO badges by CSSD personnel as per the OSHA guide lines.

Kindly advice


From: (Belgium)   Date: 25 December 2004, 10:06 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Ethylene Oxide Monitor (3M EO Monitoring badge )


Due to the hazards - toxicity and explosivity - of the use of ethylene oxide we prefer to monitor the atmosphere of the separate room designated to EO sterilization (see also question 140).
So we can act preventive and also avoid the personnel to come into contact with this gaz when concentrations are measured.
Badges can only be read out afterwards.

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

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