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From: (United States)   Date: 17 December 2004, 23:15 [GMT]
Subject: Gloves

I just received a new box of sterile packaged gloves with a date of 2003-12 next to the "sterile" date. The supplier tells me that this is the date it was sterilized, and that they remain sterile "forever".

I thought it was the date of expiration. Can anyone guide me with this please? Grateful - Dasha

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 18 December 2004, 19:43 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Gloves

Dear Dasha

The regulatory body of most European countries have established expiry dates for surgical gloves. The expiry date is based on the results through the stability test done by the manufacturer. The test includes barrier properties, physical and mechanical properties, packaging integrity and that the sterility of the gloves is maintained for the claimed shel-life (expiration date, i.e. 5 years from the manufacturing date).
The USA Food and Drug Administration proposed in the Draft for "Medical Glove Guidance" released for comment on July 30th 1999 to require as well expiration dating on the labeling of all surgical gloves, since natural and synthetic gloves can degrade over time.
Dasha, please do contact the FDA, which regulates labeling of surgical gloves in the USA, to get up-do-date information.

With best season greetings!
Josy Holdener

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