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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Sterile Storage - Q00702
Surgical gloves
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From: (Argentina)   Date: 19 December 2004, 23:42 [GMT]
Subject: Surgical gloves

I am adviser to the Ministry of Health in Argentina.
Any questions, about a subject that is always on the top of the desk:

Are surgical gloves sterilized with ethilen oxid approved?
What is the maximun ppm content?
Are there special precautions to take for the use, to avoit damage or hazardous risks of skin contamination?

If yes or not: are there an international specification (FDA, CE, etc.,) about that?

Very grateful in advance.

Jorge Sambeth

From: Jukka Tiitinen (Austria)   Date: 18 January 2005, 11:13 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Surgical gloves

As we do not sterilize that way (- we do sterilize with gamma radiation), we do not have any experience with ethilen sterilization and are not able to answer this question.

Jukka Tiitinen

Semperit, Austria

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00702 - English Version

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