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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Packaging - Q00708
Shelf life Aesculap GN 211 single use electrode handle
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From: (Peru)   Date: 28 December 2004, 07:07 [GMT]
Subject: Shelf life Aesculap GN 211 single use electrode handle

Im a Medical Doctor form Peru.
I have a doubt about shelf life of AESCULAP GN 211 single use electrode handle (Pencil for electrosurgical unit).
In my country the salesman says this pencil have five years of shelf life because the product it was sterilized with Gamma.
the salesman give to me a annalysis protocol with five years of expiry date but i think this paper ist not true because in the product and the box says:
Lot 2004050003 (year 2004, month may)
Exp 200605028. (Year 2006, month may)
Two years of shelf life

I Think the salesman are deceiving to me.
I have undestood the shelf life it determined by accelerated agging expiration dating study (ISO 11607). and not for the sterilization method.
Its possible some person in this forum can obtain and send to me a annalisys protocol of this product, or other paper with the true shelf life of this product
Thanks in advance for pay attention to my question, I would like to have notice about the answer of my question in the near future.

Luis Augusto Delgado

Avenida Benavides 2818-Miraflores
Lima 18
South America

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 10 January 2005, 10:27 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Shelf life Aesculap GN 211 single use electrode handle

Dear Dr. Delgado
According to the answer I got from AESCULAP/Germany the shelf life of the single use handle "AESCULAP GN 211" is two years (as stated on the box).
You are right, shelf life doesn't depend on the sterilization method. Only manufactures data and of cours the way the product are handled and stored can give you information on the sterility of the item.
Could it be that your salesman needs some lesson about sterilization and sterility?!
Kind regards
Josy Holdener

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