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Short Courses for CSSD Technicians
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From: Michelle Tait (Ireland)   Date: 9 May 2001, 12:35 [GMT]
Subject: Short Courses for CSSD Technicians

Dear Colleagues

Does anybody know of any upcoming short courses available in the UK or otherwise, suitable for CSSD technicians. I attended a 2 day course a couple of years ago at Northampton general Hospital given by Peter Hooper and John Hansford which I found very interesting and helpful. I would like to send a couple of my technicians on this. Is it still running do you know? The course was in steriliser technology and went into the actual physics of the steriliser. We also had a practical session in the CSSD there and had a visit to the plant room.
Perhaps this course could be offered here in Ireland for interested people.

Please advise if you can

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 9 May 2001, 13:41 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Short Courses for CSSD Technicians


I remeber your course very well. ISSM no longer run it in this format but they have approved a 2.5-day User course at Eastwood Park, Falield near Bristol which covers the technical aspects of both washer-disinfectors and sterilizers in a similar way. A small amount of practical work is included. If you want to know more contact Eastwood Park on 01454 260207

Peter Hooper

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 10 July 2001, 17:24 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Short Courses for CSSD Technicians

Dear Michelle

Browne Education (an independent division of Browne Healthcare Group of Companies, UK) has a short series of two day modular courses designed to meet all the needs of today's Sterile Service Technicians and Supervisors. Our modules are residential and held in Derby, UK. Module One addresses the issues of cleaning and disinfection of medical devices and also gives students basic microbiology and infection control tuition; Module Two is designed to incorporate training in inspection & function testing techniques, assembly and packaging requirements for medical devices and sterilization processes. Our Module Three is designed for those involved in supervisory or junior management duties within Sterile Services and deals with all key management topics. All out training is provided by acknowledged experts in the field and is approved for those pursuing a technical vocational qualification in Sterile Services. For further details and to confirm dates, please contact Louise Seddon at Browne Healthcare - telephone: +44 (0)116 276 8636, or you can contact me, Gillian Sills - email: .
Hope to hear from you soon

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00070 - English Version

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