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Productivity Benchmarks and Quality Assurance Tracking Methods
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From: (United States)   Date: 13 January 2005, 16:40 [GMT]
Subject: Productivity Benchmarks and Quality Assurance Tracking Methods

Does anyone have productivity benchmarks for

  1. decontam of sets/ FTE/shift
  2. Peel packing/FTE/shift
  3. Wrapping/FTE/shift

Also do you have any Quality Assurance tracking tools that you could direct me to or send me?

Thanks so much

From: (United States)   Date: 25 January 2005, 20:02 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Productivity Benchmarks and Quality Assurance Tracking Methods

We at Durham Regional Hospital, a part of the the Duke University Medical System have just been asking the same question: "Where are the available benchmarks?"

Thanks to anyone who can answer

Robert Gutman
Chair Performance Improvement

From: (Australia)   Date: 31 January 2005, 01:26 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Productivity Benchmarks and Quality Assurance Tracking Methods

I would be interested in any data available that people may have relating to your questions.

In Australia we have a variety of systems that people may use to try and calculate the required FTE, (usually based on nursing models)but no one has come up with a universally applicable method for CSSD!

Jennifer Grainger and Sue Ison from NSW developed a system of weightings for instruments that relate to the difficulty of reprocessing of them in terms of resources and costs. However I am not certain whether this model has been used to calculate FTE.

Good luck with the research!

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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