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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00723
Dental Handpiece Sterilization
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From: (Egypt)   Date: 20 January 2005, 18:09 [GMT]
Subject: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

Hi all,
Please advise on the latest acceptable type/class of autoclaves for sterilization of dental handpieces (wrapped or unwrapped) and wrapped solid intstruments. I need unbiased information because I can't seem to find it on the internet! [Do I have to purchase an expensive Class B to have a clear conscience?]

From: Miki   Date: 21 January 2005, 15:28 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

The dental hanpieces contain capillar tubings (For air and water). The task is the displacement of residual air from this tubes to enable steam penetration into them. Add to it the need to evacuate the air through the bag and the steam to penetrate through. Such a challenge requires a sophisticated machine. This is class B machine. This machine will usually enable easier cycles for non-wrapped goods and porous load.

From: (Latvia)   Date: 28 January 2005, 15:45 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

Dental handpiece does not has A class holes and is not necessary for you to purchase B class autoclave as for dental equipment sterilizing is enough S class.

From: (Egypt)   Date: 29 January 2005, 01:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

Thanx for the 2 replies so far.
Does anyone have documents which explain more about the types of instruments I can sterilise in a class S autoclave??
[What are the instruments that fall under the category of class A or class B holes???]

From: Miki   Date: 29 January 2005, 13:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

The core issue is SAL (Sterility Assurance Level).
You can decide that a Tuttnauer M model (Manual timer, manual temperature setting and manual process progression) satisfy you (it is FDA approved for nonwrapped dental turbines), you may decide that air removal verified by B&D is ok (S class cycle), or you wish a machine that efficient air removal is verified by Helix test (B class cycle).
S class autoclaves are those devices that its manufacturer states what can be sterilized

From: (Italy)   Date: 15 March 2005, 16:00 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Dental Handpiece Sterilization

Mail me at for additional information about EN 13060 and its requirements.
Consider anyway that in a dental practice, analyzing the type of the instruments, a type B sterilizer (or better, a type B cycle) is the right option.
Write me for continuing discussion.

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00723 - English Version

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