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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Sterile Storage - Q00727
Norms or requirements by Governments for Sterile Shelving for Sterile Storage Areas
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From: (South Africa)   Date: 25 January 2005, 12:28 [GMT]
Subject: Norms or requirements by Governments for Sterile Shelving for Sterile Storage Areas

We are a South African manufacturer of sterile shelving for the local and international market. My question: Is there a Government document specifying Criteria that sterile shelving and related products must meet in the European, American, and the rest of the world.
Where would this document be available?

Kind Regards,
Julian Hutz

From: (France)   Date: 26 January 2005, 10:47 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Norms or requirements by Governments for Sterile Shelving for Sterile Storage Areas

Regarding the sterile devices to be stored, the new ISO11607-1 brings new recommendation and new terminology like "packaging system" that is the new term to define the sterilisation packaging (sterile barrier) + protective packaging. (Chapter 5.5, Chapter 6).
The use of a protective packaging allows to increase the expiry date depending of the type of device.
In fact, we'll have to consider a protective packaging to maintain the integrity of the sterile barrier (sterilisation packaging).
In addition to this, the organization of the sterile area should be done with storage areas dedicated to the different type of packaging and devices.

EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Answer to Question Q00727 - English Version

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