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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Set Inspection & Assembly - Q00747
Latex free instrument packs
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From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 23 February 2005, 21:32 [GMT]
Subject: Latex free instrument packs

Dear Colleagues,

My recently refurbished department in the UK has been designed to the UK Hospital Building Note 13 standard incorporating all of the appropriate facilities, but I have been asked by a clinician if there should be a seperate designated area for packing latex free products, to eliminate any risk of airborn latex particulates from contaminating the products? Your views, as always would be appreciated.


From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 24 February 2005, 11:59 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Latex free instrument packs


The SMTL in Bridgend used to have a lot of expertise on this one because they tested the gloves. Suggest that you contact them.. However not sure why you would need a seperate area as where would the latex spores that are the concern come from. I wouldn't have thought that you would have anything latex in your clean room and if you did spores wouldn't float about in the air. My understanding is that if any latex products are processed, the spores that cause the problem are removed over several processes and that product ceases to be a hazard but someone with more expertise than I have (which is not much) would be abel to adivse.


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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00747 - English Version

© 2005 EFHSS " Updated: 21 April 2005, 10:27 [GMT]