EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00750 - English Version

EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00750

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00750
EtO sterilization
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From: (Malaysia)   Date: 25 February 2005, 08:41 [GMT]
Subject: EtO sterilization

What is the best way to treat the eto to enviroment

From: (Belgium)   Date: 1 March 2005, 19:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: EtO sterilization

The answers on question Q00225 will certainly help you further.
Best regards,
Wim Renders

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 23 March 2005, 21:50 [GMT]
Subject: Re: EtO sterilization

Since 225 was presented technology has continued to develop and you can now find catalytic systems which operate at room temperature. This has the dual benefit of lower running costs and improved safety given the flammability of ethylene oxide. The main problem with lowering the temperature is that it slows down the reaction requiring buffering.

With the rapid improvements in catalytic technology giving cheaper and better solutions we expect that a high percentage of new systems will dispose of the EtO before emission.

Best Regards
Jonathan Lintott
Andersen Products

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00750 - English Version

© 2005 EFHSS " Updated: 21 April 2005, 10:27 [GMT]