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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00078

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Miscellaneous - Q00078
Cotton Sheet Suppliers
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From:    Date: 26 June 2001, 14:05 [GMT]
Subject: Cotton Sheet Suppliers

I am looking for suppliers of cotton sheets that meet the specifications for small load and full test packs for EN 285 sections 26.1 and 26.6. Does anyone have any recommendations.

Matt Hofacre

From: (Norway)   Date: 28 June 2001, 10:09 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Cotton Sheet Suppliers

Dear Matt

I ordered mine from:

Kinloch Textiles Ltb.,
Hallam Street,
United Kingdom

Tel: 0161 4299131
Fax: 0161 4747322

It was white sheets 90 x 120 cm - 100% cotton. Price at March 99 was £ 1,35 each plus VAT (sold in packs of 40)

Lars Nygaard

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