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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00083
Training Program for the C.S.S.D.
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From: (New Zealand)   Date: 24 July 2001, 01:10 [GMT]
Subject: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Has anyone got a training program set in place for the C.S.S.D. I am in the process of putting one together and would be very grateful if anyone could send me a copy of what they have in place to look at.

thank you

From: Michele Tait (Ireland)   Date: 25 July 2001, 12:48 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Dear Judy
We have an in-house training programme here in the Dental Hospital which I can send you a copy of if you wish. I also give lectures myself here to the dental nursing course and I have PowerPoint presentations covering cleaning, decontamination, disinfection, sterilisation by moist heat. Please feel free to give me a ring here at the hospital or via email if you wish me to send them to you.

Michele Tait
CSSD Manager
Dublin Dental School & Hospital
Tel +353-(0)1-6127227

From: (United Arab Emirates)   Date: 27 August 2001, 09:25 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Dear Michele.

I would like to take you up on the offer you made to Judy Hutton on the 25th of July, regarding your in-house training program and PowerPoint presentations.

Unfortunately I do not have your e-mail address so I have had to contact you through the Forum. Please let me know of the mailing charges, before you post the information, so I can send you a UK cheque to cover your costs.

I am based in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab emirates and my email address is . Please contact me but take account that our weekend is Thursday and Friday and with your weekend following, it makes for a shortened communicating timeframe.

Many people are put off by the reference to 666 in the address but this is my departments designation number.

Derek Henderson
Manager - Sterile Services
Shaikh Khalifa Medical Center
P.O. Box 51900
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971-2-6331000 Ext. 2383
Fax: +971-2-6313962
Mobile: +971 (0)50 5324928

From: (Australia)   Date: 5 August 2002, 08:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Dear Michelle,

I am quite new to this website and have come across your offer of a power point presentation for CSSD staff training, dated 25 July 2001 to Judy Hatton. I too would like to receive a copy of this.

My email address is . Thankyou

Debbie Lane-Chen
CSSD Manager
St Vincent's Hospital

From: (Ireland)   Date: 6 August 2002, 08:28 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Dear Deborah

Unfortunately I am no longer working in the Dental School and Hospital but I am still very much involved in healthcare. I still lecture in Sterile Services and I would be glad to advise you and your colleagues on any issues to do with training etc. I may be contacted at the email address below and I can send you on details as requested if you wish.

Best Regards

Michele Tait
Planning & Commissioning
Eastern Regional Health Authority
Mill Lane
Dublin 20
Tel 01 6201750

From: (Bermuda)   Date: 6 August 2002, 19:40 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Training Program for the C.S.S.D.

Dear Deborah,

I too am new to this website and am wondering if you have any PowerPoint presentation that I too could use here in Bermuda for training / orientating my new staff in my Sterile Processing Department.

Thank you,

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