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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Staffing & Training - Q00085
Topics for CSSD Training Course
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From: (India)   Date: 24 July 2001, 02:38 [GMT]
Subject: Topics for CSSD Training Course

Hello everyone,

We have formed a Hospital Sterile Services Association on Mumbai (India) and wish to know that if we wish to conduct a short-term course of about 3 months for the CSSD personnel, can you please guide us as to what topics should the course cover? And what all ahould be included in the course?

Thanking you and awaiting your reply.
Anchal Gupta

From: Josy Holdener (Switzerland)   Date: 29 July 2001, 13:10 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Topics for CSSD Training Course

Dear Anchal,
First, gratulation to your newly formed Association for Hospital Sterile Service. Some European Countries have established Course for Sterile Supply personnel according to the guidelines of the former European Hospital Sterile Supply. The objective of these courses are to make employees and supervisor capable of preparing instruments and devices at the proper quality, reducing costs and avoiding errors in sterile supply departments. These goals are attained through three technical study courses, which are graduated in their contents.

  • Goal of the Technical course I (80 hours) is attaining the job title of "Technical Sterilization Assistant"
  • Goal of course II (80 hours) is attaining the title "Technical Sterilization Assistant with Expanded Duties (Shift Leader)"
  • Goal of course III 160 hours) is the title of Manager or Deputy Manager in the Central Sterile Supply Department.

To write down the content of the modules would take to long. If you wish me to send you a copy of the content of the different modules mail me your postal address so I can send it to you.

Kind regards
Josy Holdener

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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