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Manufacturers of bio-occlusive Gowns
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From: (India)   Date: 24 July 2001, 02:57 [GMT]
Subject: Manufacturers of bio-occlusive Gowns


Can you please tell me the names of the manufacturers who make "bio-occlusive" gowns or more commonly known as "barrier gowns"?

Thanking you and awaiting your reply.
Anchal Gupta

From: (Belgium)   Date: 30 July 2001, 13:44 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Manufacturers of bio-occlusive Gowns

Dear Anchal,

Disposable barrier gowns are sold by Mölnlycke (see also our industrial partner page), Allegiance, Sengewald, Kimberly - Clark, Maxxim Medical e.o..
For reusable ones for instance the Belgian company Sofinal is producing the basic material (www.sofinal.be). Alsico is doing confectioning (www.alsico.be).

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

From: (Belgium)   Date: 12 February 2003, 07:07 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Manufacturers of bio-occlusive Gowns

As Wim Renders stated in his answer: there are a lot of manufacturers of disp.gowns (see names in mail Wim); next to these companies we also find manufacturers of reusable gowns:


Kind Regards
Marc Corthals


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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00086 - English Version

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