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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00089

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00089
Aerate an Aneasethic Camera after ETO Sterilisation
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From: (New Zealand)   Date: 9 August 2001, 04:01 [GMT]
Subject: Aerate an Aneasethic Camera after ETO Sterilisation


Does anyone have standards or can give me the minimum time that you can aerate a aneasethic camera after ETO sterilisation.

Thank you for your help


From: (Netherlands)   Date: 20 August 2001, 13:37 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Aerate an Aneasethic Camera after ETO Sterilisation

As a general guideline, you must take 3 days aeration by 45 - 50 °C for all the products which are sterilized by ETO. Even when the product is not in direct contact with the patient. Nearly every product, except stainless steel, absorbs ETO during the sterilization process. Not only the patient must be protect against ETO, also the OR personnel.

Renald E. van der Werf
Sterilization Technologist
Advanced Sterilization Products
a Johnson & Johnson company
Phone: +31 33 450 07 12
Fax: +31 33 450 05 05

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