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WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

SGSV/SSSH - Swiss Society for Sterile Supply - English Version


WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Members :: SGSV/SSSH - Swiss Society for Sterile Supply

WFHSS / Switzerland: SGSV/SSSH - Swiss Society for Sterile Supply

Swiss Society for Sterile Supply

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Message from the SGSV President

Welcome, Bienvenu, Bienvenidos. Benevenuto, Välkommen, Zdrastvujte, Willkommen, and Gruezi to the home page of the
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Sterilgutversorgung (SGSV)
Société Suisse de Sterilisation Hospitalière (SSSH).


The Swiss Society for Sterile Supply was founded in Zuerich in October 1983 for Managers of CSD's by Josy Holdener.
The Society is open to all certified CSD technicians.
We also value the collaborative relations and membership of associates and the health care industry.

Membership (February 2003): 235 dedicated Professionals and 27 special members or companies.

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To be the leading national resource for the promotion of good practice in sterilization of hospital supply management and education.

Objectives to implement these goals are:

  • Providing continued education courses to make Technicians and Supervisor capable of preparing instruments and devices at the proper quality, reducing costs, and avoiding errors in sterile supply departments.
  • These objectives are attained through technical study courses which are graduated in their contents and organisation.
    • Educational Course I provides attaining the job title "Technical Sterilisation Assistant (TSA)"
    • Educational Course II provides attaining the job title "Technical Sterilization Assistant with expanded Duties (Shift Leader)"
    • Education Course III provides the title of "Supervisor or Manager in Central Sterile Supply Department"
  • Publication of the Journal "Forum" for Information and Education.
  • 3M-Manual in corporation with 3M and SGSV and DGSV.
  • Fostering the development of international communication among CSD professionals.

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To be the recognised leader in the field of Sterilization in Swiss-Hospitals

To enforce approaches to get the job of the sterilization technician a official recognised profession

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The Officers of the Society are:

, President
, Vice President
Florian Weinig, Treasurer

Other Office Members:

Cornelia Hugo
Elisabeth Grui
Hervé Ney
Marcel Wenck
Stéphane Mayor

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SGSV/SSSH Jahresbericht 2000
(SGSV/SSSH Annual Report 2000; in German)

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Annual SGSV/SSSH Conference and Meeting 2006
07 June 2006 to 08 June 2006
Fribourg, Switzerland
[ More information: ]

Annual SGSV/SSSH Conference and Meeting 2005
14 June 2005 to 15 June 2005
Hotel Arte, Olten, Switzerland
[ Conference Details (in German; PDF File 445 KB) ]
[ Conference Details (in French; PDF File 449 KB) ]
[ More information: ]

Annual SGSV/SSSH Conference and Meeting 2004
15 June 2004 to 16 June 2004
Pully, Switzerland

SGSV Study Day
05 December 2003
Stadtspital Triemli, Zürich, Sitzerland

Annual EFHSS and SGSV/SSSH Conference 2003
03 July 2003 to 05 July 2003
Winterthur, Switzerland
[ Conference Details ]
[ Conference Report ]

2nd Extraordinary General SGSV/SSSH Meeting
03 September 2002
Kantonsspital Olten, Olten, Switzerland

Annual SGSV/SSSH Meeting 2002
07 March 2002
09.00 - 13.15: Aula Cité Universitaire, Neuchatel, Switzerland
13.15 - 16.15: Hopital de la Providence, Neuchatel, Switzerland

Annual SGSV/SSSH Meeting 2001
22 March 2001
Biel/Bienne, Switzerland

SVLS Meeting
01 September 2000
University Hospital, Bern, Switzerland
[ Conference Report ]

Annual SVLS Meeting 2000
16 March 2000
City Hospital Triemli, Zürich, Switzerland
[ Conference Report ]

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Send Email to with questions or comments about the SGSV/SSSH.

Please visit the SGSV/SSSH Website at for more information about the activities of the Swiss Society for Sterile Supply.


  • SGSV/SSSH President
    Frédy Cavin
    Resp. Stérilisation
    University Hospital Lausanne (CHUV)
    Address: BH-04, Rue du Bugnon 4, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)21-314 59 10
    Fax: +41-(0)21-314 59 25
  • SGSV/SSSH Office Member
    Elisabeth Grui
    Beraterin für Spithalhygiene
    Kantonsspital Olten
    Address: Baselerstraße 150, 4600 Olten, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)62-311 44 52
    Fax: +41-(0)62-311 48 32
  • SGSV/SSSH Office Member, Editor "Forum"
    Cornelia Hugo
    Universitätsklinikum Tübingen
    Address: Universitätsklinikum, Otfried-Müller-Str. 2-4, 72076 Tübingen, Germany
    Tel: +49-(0)70712981033
    Mobile: +49-(0)173-3686239
    Fax: +49-(0)7071295716
  • SGSV/SSSH Office Member
    Stéphane Mayor
    Chef d'entreprise SA
    Address: Ch. des Anciens Moulins 2a, Case postale 431, 1009 Pully, Switzerland
    Tel: +41 (0)21 728 05 15
    Mobile: +41 (0)79 219 22 18
    Fax: +41 (0)21 728 05 60
  • SGSV/SSSH Office Member
    Hervé Ney
    Resp. Ster. Centrale
    University Hospital Genève (HUG)
    Address: Rue Micheli-du-Crest 24, 1211 Genève 14, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)22-372 76 61
    Fax: +41-(0)22-382 76 65
  • SGSV/SSSH Vice President
    Peter Weber
    Kantonspital Winterthur
    Address: ZSVA, Kantonsspital, 8401 Winterthur, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)52-266 21 90
    Fax: +41-(0)52-266 21 88
  • SGSV/SSSH Treasurer
    Florian Weinig
    3M (Schweiz) AG
    Address: 3M (Schweiz) AG, Eggstraße 93, 8803 Rueschlikon, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)1-724 93 17
    Mobile: +41-(0)79-421 74 63
    Fax: +41-(0)1-724 94 50
  • SGSV/SSSH Office Member
    Marcel Wenk
    Address: Zentralsterilisation, Petergasse 4, 4031 Basel, Switzerland
    Tel: +41-(0)61-265 26 80
    Fax: +41-(0)61-265 38 90

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Information about Switzerland


Switzerland is in Central Europe, east of France, north of Italy. Landlocked with a total of 1,852 km land boundaries, Switzerland shares borders with Austria 164 km, France 573 km, Italy 740 km, Liechtenstein 41 km, and Germany 334 km.

Switzerland - Map

Switzerland - Flag


  • Area: 41,290km² (land: 39,770 km², water: 1,520 km²)
  • Population: 7,450,867 (July 2004)
  • Capital: Bern
  • Language: German (official) 63.7%, French (official) 19.2%, Italian (official) 7.6%, Romansch (official) 0.6%, other 8.9%
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 46.1%, Protestant 40%, other 5%, none 8.9% (1990)
  • Climate: temperate, but varies with altitude; cold, cloudy, rainy/snowy winters; cool to warm, cloudy, humid summers with occasional showers
  • Time Zone: Central European Time [GMT +1]
  • Currency: Swiss Franc [CHF]
WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Members :: SGSV/SSSH - Swiss Society for Sterile Supply

© 2006 WFHSS " Updated: 13 June 2006, 10:32 [GMT]