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WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

IASSM - Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers - English Version


WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Members :: IASSM - Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers

WFHSS / Ireland: IASSM - Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers

Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers


Membership payment for 2006-2007 now due. Please contact one the IASSM Secretaries (Caroline Conneely or Joy Markey).

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Introduction & History

The Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers was established in 1989. Its aim is to ensure its members are up to date with developments in sterile services and to network this information to hospital sterile service departments throughout Ireland. It continues to fullfil this aim by spearheading a revolution in sterilization thought the organizing of conferences, study days, and the dissemination of information in decontamination and sterilization. Currently, it has representation on the board of the European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply (EFHSS) and the World Federation and was the founder member of the EFHSS ( of which there are 23 countries.

The IASSM has been acknowledged nationally and internationally as a leading organization associated with decontamination and sterilization. Nationally, the IASSM continues to promote education in decontamination and sterilization thought it's involvement with the Institute of Technology, Tallaght course set up in 2000. Internationally, in 2002 the IASSM was given the honor of hosting the EFHSS Conference 2002 which was attended by over 300 delegates world wide, and proved to be a great success. Many local and international speakers are now world experts in decontamination and sterilization.

With the advent of new medical device technology and increasing demands from sterile service departments, it is becoming more important that the IASSM continues to grow nationally and internationally to meet the ever increasing challenges.

Sheila Sheahan

Niall Creggy
Vice Chairperson

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IASSM Committee

IASSM Committee 2006/2007

Chairperson: Sheila Sheehan
CSSD Manager, Mid West Regional Hospital, Limerick
Tel +353-(0)61-482217
Vice Chairperson: Niall Creggy
Mater Private Hospital, Dublin
Project Co-ordinator: Oonagh Ryan
CSSD Manager, St. Vincent's Private Hospital, Dublin
Tel +353-(0)1-2609200 ext. 9889
Secretaries: Caroline Conneely
CSSD Manager, Children's University Hospital, Temple Street, Dublin 7
Tel +353-(0)1-8784252

Joy Markey
CSSD Manager, Dublin Dental Hospital, Lincoln Place, Dublin 2
Tel +353-(0)1-6127339
Treasurers: Patricia Doheny
St. Luke's Hospital, Kilkenny
Tel +353-(0)56-7785404

Celia Farrell
CSSD Manager, Cappagh Ortho Hospital, Glasnevin, Dublin 7
Tel +353-(0)1-8140476

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IASSM Contact

Oonagh Ryan

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IASSM Events 2006/2007

General IASSM Meeting 24 June 2006
24 June 2006
(Full and associate IASSM members may attend)
Castlecommer, Co. Kilkenny, Ireland

General IASSM Meeting 19 August 2006
19 August 2006 / 11:00 - 14:00
(All full IASSM members requested to attend)
-location yet to be confirmed-

IASSM Conference 2007
10 November 2006 to 11 November 2006
Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland

General IASSM Meeting 27 January 2007
27 January 2007 / 11:00 - 14:00
(All full IASSM members requested to attend)
Dublin Dental Hospital, Dublin

IASSM Study Day 24 February 2007
24 February 2007
-location yet to be confirmed-

General IASSM Meeting 3 March 2007
03 March 2007 / 11:00 - 14:00
-location yet to be confirmed-

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IASSM Membership

Please use the following form to apply for IASSM membership:

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IASSM Constitution

The following document contains the constitution of the IASSM

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IASSM General Guidlines

The following document provides general IASSM guidlines for membership applications, IASSM meetings, funding for educational purposes:

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IASSM Funding

The following document outlines the criteria for seeking funding from the IASSM and explains who is eligible for funding:

Please use the following form to apply for funding by the IASSM if you are eligible for funding (see above):

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Past IASSM Conferences and Meetings

Annual IASSM Conference 2005
21 October 2005 to 22 October 2005
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

Annual IASSM Conference 2004
12 November 2004 to 13 November 2004
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

Annual IASSM Conference 2003
07 November 2003 to 08 November 2003
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

Annual EFHSS and IASSM Conference 2002
13 September 2002 to 14 September 2002
The Burlington Hotel, Dublin, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]
[ Conference Report ]

Annual IASSM Conference 2001
05 October 1999 to 06 October 1999
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

Annual IASSM Conference 2000
03 November 2000 to 04 November 2000
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

Annual IASSM Conference 1999
01 October 1999 to 02 October 1999
The Grand Hotel, Malahide, Ireland
[ Conference Details ]

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Information about Ireland


Ireland is in Western Europe, occupying five-sixths of the island of Ireland in the North Atlantic Ocean, west of Great Britain. With a total of 360 km land boundaries and 1,448 km coastline, Ireland shares a border with United Kingdom 360km.

Ireland - Map

Ireland - Flag


  • Area: 70,280km² (land: 68,890 km² water: 1,390 km²)
  • Population: 3,969,558 (July 2004)
  • Capital: Dublin
  • Language: English is the language generally used, Irish (Gaelic) spoken mainly in areas located along the western seaboard
  • Religion: Roman Catholic 91.6%, Church of Ireland 2.5%, other 5.9% (1998)
  • Climate: Temperate maritime; modified by North Atlantic Current; mild winters, cool summers; consistently humid; overcast about half the time
  • Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time [GMT]
  • Currency: Euro [EUR]
WFHSS - World Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Members :: IASSM - Irish Association of Sterile Services Managers

© 2006 WFHSS " Updated: 24 May 2006, 18:46 [GMT]