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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00112
Low Temperature Steam with Formaldehyde and EtO
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From: Laila Algady (Kuwait)   Date: 4 December 2001, 20:05 [GMT]
Subject: Low Temperature Steam with Formaldehyde and EtO

hi to all,
sorry for disturbanse, but im writting to you to help me in selecting one of these methodes in sterilization (low temperature steam with formaldehyde and eto.

so pls what is better in sterilization and why?

kind regards
laila algady
training officer in cssd, kuwait

From:    Date: 5 December 2001, 23:21 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Low Temperature Steam with Formaldehyde and EtO

Good day Laila Al-Gady,

I recommend that you choose EtO as the better of these two methods of low temperature sterilization. The use of formaldehyde is rapidly becoming an outdated method of sterilization. EtO sterilization produces a more reliable consistent kill of organisms than formaldehyde.
You may also want to consider the use of plasma sterilization such as the Sterrad system. If you do not sterilize foams, powders, cellulose, or long narrow lumen devices, then plasma sterilization with its rapid turnaround time and lower toxicity to patients and staff could be an even better choice for you.
Some earlier questions (Q00011, Q00067, Q00077 & Q00089) have topics related to your question and might contain useful information for you.

Regards, Pete Bobb

EFHSS  European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply

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