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EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00125

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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Low Temperature Sterilization - Q00125
Using Formaline as a Sterilant
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From: (Kuwait)   Date: 19 February 2002, 09:18 [GMT]
Subject: Using Formaline as a Sterilant

Dear Sir,

I am working on LTSF sterilisers. The Formaldehyde solution that is being used is 35% Formaline and 65% water as an sterilising agent. Recently I have been told by some consultants that Formaldehyde at 2% can be used as an sterilant. I would want to know if it is true and if this method has any approval from the competant authority. Also would want to know what is the concentration once the formaline at 35% is injected in the chamber in terms of percentage.

Thanking you,

Best regards,

Norberto Agnelo,

From: (Belgium)   Date: 2 March 2002, 20:53 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Using Formaline as a Sterilant

For the approval i refer to the answers on question Q00022.
To calculate the concentration of formaline, i have to know the injected volume and the seize of the chamber. In "Central Service" 2/00 (see under publications, periodicals, central service 2/00) you find the abstract of an article of I.A. Moreno: Biological assessment of low temperature steam with 2% formaldehyde as sterilising method.
If you need the article in extenso or other help don't hesitate to contact me again.
Kind regards,
Wim Renders
p.s. see also questions Q00112, Q00089, Q00077, Q00067 and Q00011

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00125 - English Version

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