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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Quality Assurance - Q00183
Benchmarking and Best Practice
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From:    Date: 28 July 2002, 21:47 [GMT]
Subject: Benchmarking and Best Practice

I am currently collating some information regarding Benchmarking and Best Practice. I am interested in exploring the area of categorising instrument trays and packs with regard to their expected workload impact. Is anyone aware of any published studies on this matter. I am aware that factors such as Departmental Layout, availability of Mechanical Processing Equipment and Staff Expertise will also impact these issues, but I am particularly interested in Categorisation of trays based on factors such as instrument count, instrument complexity and manual processing requirements.

Tom Mitchell

From:    Date: 29 July 2002, 19:07 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Benchmarking and Best Practice

Hi Tom,

A partial answer to your question might be found in the answers to question Q00015.

Pete Bobb

From:    Date: 18 August 2002, 07:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Benchmarking and Best Practice

To anyone,

Would anyone be interested in being involved in a working group to establish relative "Work Units" for instrument trays, based on the following factors:

  1. Number of Instruments on Tray
  2. Number of Instruments requiring dis-assembly and/or manual processing
  3. Familiarity of instruments on tray
  4. Difficulty of Inspection/Testing
  5. Level of experience of staff in Department

Please feel free to contact me either through this site or private response to my email address

Tom Mitchell

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