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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00236
Information about disinfectant used as fumigation agent in cleanroom area
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From:    Date: 23 January 2003, 07:45 [GMT]
Subject: Information about disinfectant used as fumigation agent in cleanroom area

Could someone give and information regarding the disinfectant having the following composition, used as a fumigation agent in the cleanroom area.

  • 1,6-Dihydroxy 2,5-Diohexene 11.2% w/v
  • Glutaraldehyde 5.0% w/w
  • Alkyl urea derivatives 3.0% w/w

Ankur Raval.

From: Wim Renders (Belgium)   Date: 27 January 2003, 19:42 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Information about disinfectant used as fumigation agent in cleanroom area


The Indian company Bengal Chemicals, www.bengalchemicals.com has a similar product in their catalogue: Otee clean special. They certainly can provide you with information about, e.g., use, activity, toxicity.

The French firm ANIOS produces also similar products for fumigation: www.anios.com.

May I point your attention on the disadvantages of fumigation with certain products and advise you to consider it very carefully (see questions Q00205, Q00158, Q00146, Q00067).

Kind regards,
Wim Renders

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EFHSS - European Forum for Hospital Sterile Supply :: Questions & Answers EFHSS Questions and Answers - Question Q00236 - English Version

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