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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Steam Sterilization - Q00094
How to place sterilization items on the loading cart?
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From: (United Arab Emirates)   Date: 27 August 2001, 06:36 [GMT]
Subject: How to place sterilization items on the loading cart?

Would someone settle an in-house argument as to where items for sterilization should be placed on the loading cart.

One half of my staff have been taught instrument sets and heavy items on the top platform and peel-pouch and lighter items on the bottom platform and the other half have been told the opposite.

To settle this discussion - who is correct?

Derek Henderson
Manager - Sterile Services
Shaikh Khalifa Medical Center
P.O. Box 51900
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971-2-6331000 Ext. 2383
Fax: +971-2-6313962
Mobile: +971 (0)50 5324928

From: (United Kingdom)   Date: 27 August 2001, 16:45 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to place sterilization items on the loading cart?


it is normal to load the heavier items on the lower shelves as the excess condensation will flow downwards and not wet other load items

best wishes from the UK, peter hooper

From: (Ireland)   Date: 29 August 2001, 11:03 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to place sterilization items on the loading cart?

Derek !

Not wishing to cause civil strife or loss of bets between staff. I will take a neutral stance on the argument as both loading patterns may technically correct.
Heavy reusable containers may be loaded on the type rack beacause of health and safety reasons (lifting) and the same container may be loaded on the bottom rack to avoid condensate dripping on to the lower soft packs both are not necessarily wrong but the loading paterns should be established during the performance qualification process.
If an active displacement sterilizer is used (vacuum pump) pq studies are required to determine th coolest point within a specified load. Cool points arise because of the varied rate of heat transfer throughout the load and pq are needed to establish the cool points within the load configuration but note a properly maintained sterilizer should have a equal heat transfer patern.
I hope this goes some way in settling the argument but try to load the sterilzer as homogenously as possible.

From: (United Arab Emirates)   Date: 11 September 2001, 12:59 [GMT]
Subject: Re: How to place sterilization items on the loading cart?

Thank you all for your replies and hi to you Peter.

We have not come to blows but the member of staff in question has seen the error of his ways and is loading the heaviest items on the bottom shelf, where we always have done anyway.

His argument for considering a change of procedure, i.e. heaviest on the top shelf, was that hot air rises so sterilization would be more efficient at the top of the chamber.

Please do not inundate me with replies to that last paragraph. I have given the offending member of staff a lesson in physics and every one is happy - and still friends.

Derek Henderson. MBA. Ph.D
Manager - Sterile Services
Shaikh Khalifa Medical Center
P.O. Box 51900
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971-2-6331000 Ext. 2383
Fax: +971-2-6313962
Mobile: +971 (0)50 5324928

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