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EFHSS - Questions & Answers - Cleaning & Disinfection - Q00977
Stick on Glut or change to OPA?
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From: (Malaysia)   Date: 26 September 2005, 08:38 [GMT]
Subject: Stick on Glut or change to OPA?

Dear All,

We've been using glutaraldehyde (GA) since many years ago. And off and on we have heard of complain about the "standard" GA side effects (headache, irritation etc). We've heard that OPA is a good substitute to GA. But, We have found that some of the OPA users experienced the similar kind of side effects!

In view that we are a small setting with small budget, we feel that GA still be the most economical HLD.

Please kindly advise.


From: (Israel)   Date: 29 September 2005, 07:38 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Stick on Glut or change to OPA?

Dear Leon,
Because OPA is relatively new, there are only a few references and evidence about its potential health effects. Like glutaraldehyde, OPA may cause allergic reactions and occupational asthma; however the potential for airborne exposure appears to be reduced. Regardless of which chemical you choose, all high-level disinfectants should be treated with caution. OPA is probably a sensitizer and should be treated as such. Lutaraldehyde and OPA should be used with local exhaust ventilation; staff should use personal protection such as impermeable gloves and gowns to prevent any dermal exposure from handling these products.

Yaffa Raz

From: (Belgium)   Date: 29 September 2005, 14:34 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Stick on Glut or change to OPA?

Regarding GA / OPA (or also PA: peracetic acid): as manufacturer of both chemicals we seen in europe a trend away from GA towards desinfection in machines (also using more and more PA - see Olympus scope desinfectors) and towards PA as manual desinfection

we do not see the same effects on health care workers as we see with GA

with PA: be carefull with "old" instruments and always ask the certificates from your supplier concerning the use of a PA on your scopes/instruments

hope this helps


From: Leon   Date: 30 September 2005, 04:22 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Stick on Glut or change to OPA?

Thank you for the advise!

From: (Belgium)   Date: 2 February 2006, 14:07 [GMT]
Subject: Re: Stick on Glut or change to OPA?


The instructions for use of Cidex OPA say also the following under contraindications:

  1. 1. CIDEX OPA Solution should not be utilized to process any urological instrumentation used to treat patients with a history of bladder cancer. In rare instances CIDEX OPA Solution has been associated with anaphylaxis-like reactions in bladder cancer patients undergoing repeated cystoscopies.
  2. 2. CIDEX OPA Solution should not be utilized to process instrumentation for patients with known sensitivity to CIDEX OPA Solution or any of its components.
  3. 3. CIDEX OPA should not be used to sterilize heat sensitive medical devices.

I hope this information still can be helpful to you.
Best regards,
Wim Renders

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